Bed in a bathroom, no it’s more like a bath in a bedroom.
I know this isn’t a new ‘thing’ by any means, but even after all these years I’m still not sure about it. When I saw this image, it got me pondering again and here’s as far as I got.
- when done right, it looks great
- minimal effort required, slide out of bed, be in the bath in under two seconds – who wouldn’t love that?
- you get that luxury hotel experience everyday
- fighting for the bathroom is so last season
- finally you can have a long leisurely soak in complete peace
- no privacy at. all. (no problem if you live alone or don’t mind bathing with an audience)
- what about all that water on the floor – yes ok the bath area is usually tiled, but splash zones are real
- you’ve got to keep that tub squeeeeaky clean!
- could prove a problem if/when you come to sell your house
- damp clothes smell really bad
So what say you? Yay or nay?
Image courtesy of
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