Finally, finally I have my very own copy of the book. Which book? This book:
‘REMIX decorating with culture, objects and soul’ 
written by one of my favourite bloggers turned designer, Jeanine Hays and her husband Bryan Mason – aka AphroChic.
Hers was one of the first blogs I started reading religiously waaaay back in the day when I tentatively started writing my own blog – I’m talking 2008/9 (which in blog terms is positively ancient). I totally related to her style, the love of colours, patterns, global design and the easy way she translated her thoughts to paper blog.
When it was announced that there would be an AphroChic book it went straight to the top of my ‘must own’ list. Though it came out at the end of last year I have only just got my copy. If you’ve already read it, then this will be old news to you, but if not…
Let me tell you about this book.
It. Is. Gorgeous. From glorious yellow cover to cover, I love it.
It looks exactly like I imagined it would, colourful, bold, adventurous and delicious.
But it doesn’t just look good – oh no, it’s thoughtfully written, full of good advice and sound decorating tips.
Broken into two parts: part one explores the elements, or as they put it ‘the building blocks of every room’ – colour, pattern, art and global objects. Part two shows you these elements in practice in a selection of wonderful ‘modern soulful homes’.
If you like your interiors colourful and unique then do yourself a favour and get a copy. If you prefer your books digital there’s also an interactive and equally beautiful ebook available.
‘REMIX decorating with culture, objects and soul’ absolutely gets all the thumbs up from me, I only wish I’d got it sooner!